Permission management
At Kadanza, permissions are managed via user groups. Admins can set permissions for different usergoups, and user permissions are based on the group(s) a user is member of. It is not possible to set permissions to individual users.
Permissions are always inherited from the parent page or category. If permissions are defined on a folder, all pages of this folder will inherit the same permissions. The same for categories in teh Assets configuration: if permissions are set on a parent category, the child categories will inherit the same permissions.
If different permissions are needed for a child category, it is important that all permisisons shoudl be defined (and not only the specific deviating permission).
To explain the permission inheritance, we use the following example:
Category structure
- Campaigns
- Summer2021
- Summer2021
User groups
- Admin
- Design
- Marketing
- Add asset
- View assett
- Edit asset
- Delete asset
- Download original asset (makes it possible to allow and block specific user groups to download the original asset
Example configuration
Base configuration
The category Campaigns has the following permissions:
- Add asset: Admin
- View asset: Admin, Design, Marketing
- Edit asset: Admin
- Delete asset: Admin
- Download original: Admin, Design, Marketing
This means that a user in the Admin user group can perform all actions on a category. The Design and Marketing user group will be limited to viewing and downloading the assets in this category.
When a child category has no specific permissions configured, permissions will be inherited from the parent category. So the child categories Summer2021, PDF, and PSD will have the same permissions as the parent Campaigns category.
Overwriting base configuration
Currently, only users from the Admin user group can add assets to the categories under Campaigns. But you want to grant the Design user group upload assets to the PSD category. The following configuration is added to Campaigns/Summer2021/PSD:
- Add asset: Admin, Design
- View asset: Admin
- Edit asset: Admin, Design
- Delete asset: Admin, Design
- Download original the asset: Admin
This means that the Admin user group still has full control and the Design user group can now add, edit, and delete assets. The Marketing user group will have no access to this category.
When no permissions are added to a specific category, the system will use the parent permissions by default. At the moment, 2 categories are configured with user permissions. The following assumptions are being made:
- Campaigns will not inherit
- Campaigns/Summer2021 will inherit from Campaigns
- Campaigns/Summer2021/PDF will inherit from Campaigns
- Campaigns/Summer2021/PSD will not inherit, as its specific permissions have been configured.