Managing users and user groups

At Kadanza, you get unlimited users. As in our core we are a brand management platform, we believe that only unlimited users can get everyone on brand. With these users, the need for decent user management grows. The more users you have, the more you need to have an air-tight permission scheme that allows you to deliver the right information to the people who are allowed to access that information.

Important to know is that at Kadan za, permissions are managed via user groups. Every user is member of at least one user group, and what a user can and can not do is based on the sum of the permissions assigned to each user group. This means you need to think about which user groups you are going to need.

User groups

To decide which user groups you need, you need to determine your preferred approach to managing permissions. You have the flexibility to choose a method that suits your organization. Commonly used methods include defining permissions based on individuals' roles within the company (marketing, sales, design,...), utilizing Kadanza permissions (upload, download, approve,...), or a combination of both. You can start simple, and add more refined permission schemes later on, as your installation and usage grows.

Assigning users to groups

After you created the groups you need, and you have configured all the permissions need in your Kadanza installation, you can assign users to the user groups you’ve created. Aside from the role, you can add the required usergroups when inviting users to your Kadanza installation. Inviting user is very easy:

  1. In the All users page (admin console), click the "Add new user" button
  2. Enter the email address. You can add up to 100 email addresses, as long as they are comma-separated (tip: copy the info from a csv file to easily add 100 users in this step)

  3. Select the user role. For now, you can only select "User". If you want to invite an admin, you can update his role once he accepted the invitation.

  4. Add the required user groups and send the invite.

    Note: the "All users" group can not be removed. Every user is always a member of "All users" (hence the name!)

Updating users

When a user has accepted his invitation, admins can update both role and user groups. On the "All users" page, admins can either click the username in the table, or select "Edit" from the context menu next to a users' name.

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