The use of auto-tagging
Adding keywords to assets (tagging) is important to describe assets and make them easier to find. Aside from company-specific keywords (such as the name of the business unit, product etc), it is common to add more descriptive keywords to assets as well.
It is possible to create these descriptive keywords with the use of AI. After uploading assets, you can edit them and generate keywords. The image will be analyzed, and the system will propose a number of (relevant) tags to the admin. Different languages can be selected, in order to provide keywords in all the languages that your installation uses. Which languages are available can be defined in the Assets settings.
After generating tags, you will see a list of proposed tags, each with a relevance score. This score shows how "certain" the system is about the proposed tags. Admins can decide whether or not to keep these proposed tags before saving the changes made.
Some examples
While AI is very convenient to create descriptive tags, it is not possible to use this auto-tagging feature for company or brand-specific tags. These specific tags should be added manually on top of the more general descriptive tags.