
In the "documents" part, you'll find all the documents that are created. As an admin, you'll view the following:

  • ID (of the document)
  • Template (CHILI template ID)
  • Creator
  • Editor
  • Created
  • Updated 
  • Status

Also, you can change the creator, editor, and status of the template from the context menu (three dots). It makes it possible to transfer a document to another user to let them work on the same document. Just don't forget that they cannot work on the same document at the same time! 

When you make changes to the document, the users will be notified if another user opens the same document or if a document has already been opened by another user. That way, you are sure you don’t overwrite another user’s changes.

Configuration matters if you want to transfer documents to another user! For more information, you can check the workflow settings.

If you decide to use "All users" for the collaboration settings, you can transfer the document to any user of the platform. However, if you decide to limit the collaboration option to pre-defined user groups, you have two different options. 

"Only show users that appear in the same user groups as the currently logged-in user": When this option is selected, the user will only see users in the same user group(s) as the logged-in user. Every user that is in at least one of the same user groups that are selected will be shown in the editor dropdown.

Exact crossmatch: When this option is selected, only users that appear in the same user groups as the logged-in user will be shown in the editor dropdown.

Based on your needs, there are many possibilities to help you to work together with your colleagues. 

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