Import assets

Uploading assets can be done easily via the frontend, where you can upload up to 100 assets in one go. But if you want to upload thousands of assets, there are other options available.

Prepping the import

If you have a Pro license, you can import assets in bulk using an async process via the Admin console. This feature can not be used without some setup by the Kadanza team. We need to set up a drop folder and provide your admins the credentials so they can access this drop folder via any FTP software (like Filezille, Transmit, Cyberduck,...) Once the drop folder is available, you can upload your assets to this folder and start the import.

Step 1: download import template

When the assets are uploaded to the drop folder, you need to prep the import file.

Start by downloading the import template which will include all the metadata fields that you have configured for your installation. You can fill in these fields with the relevant data you want to add to each asset. Blank fields will result in empty metadata attributes in the asset.

While most fields can be left blank if wanted, there are 2 fields that must be completed to have an asset imported:

  • Filename: this column must contain the exact filename, including the extension. The values are case sensitive, so it must be an exact match to the filename of the file that was uploaded to the drop folder. The import flow will check each filename individually, and only if a corresponding file is found on the server, the import will be done.
  • Category ID: assets can not be stored without a category, so at least one category id must be listed

Step 2: upload the updated file

Once you have completed the template and added all metadata you would like to import, you can upload the completed file to proceed.

Step 3: start importing assets

In the third step, you can choose to enable the creation of tags from IPTC/XMF data. If keywords are attached to the assets' IPTC/XMP data, they will be imported together with the keywords that you have listed in the import file. If you want to limit the keywords to the ones that you listed in your import file, you should uncheck this option before starting the import.

Once the import is started, you can track its' progress in the import logs at the bottom of the page.

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