Introduction to Assets

Organize and distribute all your brand assets in one fully branded and secure environment with a powerful, user-friendly Digital Asset Management (DAM) solution to:

  • Upload, share, and download assets and collections
  • Categorize and tag assets
  • Use powerful conversion tools to export assets in different sizes or filetypes
  • Distribute logo files, documents, and templates
  • Share and organize images, videos, and graphics
  • Create custom metadata schemes
  • Configure asset lifecycle flows with versioning and content approval
  • And more…

As the Assets extension is needed for the core functionalities of Kadanza, it is always included in your license.

The Kadanza Assets extension is your one-stop-shop for all your digital assets. Assets support a wide array of export profiles and formats, predefined sizes, and custom crops. It is a centralized environment where all your digital assets are stored, organized, and managed, saving you time by reducing requests to your stakeholders.

Assets can be uploaded — either single, in bulk, or via an import process — and managed in Kadanza. Assets are added to categories and based on the category permissions, users can browse, edit and download assets. Our flexible permission system allows admins to create a permission scheme that matches your company's requirements and way of working.

With entry points, admins can divide categories across different pages or modals, to make sure that relevant assets can be downloaded where needed.

By creating a (custom) metadata scheme, you can ensure your assets have all the correct metadata and users can easily find the assets they are looking for. But there's more! By linking the assets and metadata to the Layouts extension, users can create documents and inject metadata in the document by placing an asset.

Users can create collections and share these with other users in or outside their Kadanza installation. Or they can share assets with external users that don't have access.

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