Assets statistics
This page gives you a clear overview of the general Assets statistics, giving you a better understanding of the Assets extension usage.
Start by setting a date range that you would like to analyse. Keep in mind that while we store analytics from the start of your installation, you can only generate stats for max 12 months.
Left pie chart: Gives you a brief overview of the total disk space usage and on what file types it’s being used:
- Originals: The original files that were initially uploaded. These are usually the heaviest, and therefore normally the largest piece of the pie.
- Previews: An optimized version of the asset that is used as a thumbnail and preview (to boost performance and reduce load times).
- Export: These are the assets extracted for the Assets extension in different conversion profiles besides the originals.
- Import: The assets that are (still) listed in the import folder before or after imports.
Right pie chart: Gives you a detailed overview of the total number of assets and their status:
- Active: Assets that are visible to everyone with the relevant View asset permissions.
- Inactive: Assets that followed the upload process but were not finalized (these are automatically deleted every night).
Deleted: Soft-deleted assets that can still be restored from the Admin console.
Activity: Gives you a brief overview of all the activities:
- Assets creations: The number of all the assets uploaded by users.
- Assets downloads: The number of all the downloads by users.
- Popular assets: Most downloaded assets.
- Top categories: Categories from which the most assets were downloaded.
- Top downloaders: The users that downloaded the most assets.
- Who downloaded which asset: A CSV file with an overview of who downloaded which asset
- Search history: All the search queries that were entered by users in the selected date range.
For each of the stats, we show a top 10 on the overview page. A full report of each section can be downloaded as csv.