Metadata attributes
Metadata attributes are the individual items that you can use to create your metadata scheme. Kadanza has default attributes that are available when your installation is created, as well as a range of attributes that can be added to create your custom metadata scheme.
Default metadata
This is a basic set of common metadata fields that is available when your installation is created. It can be used for any type of asset that you upload
- Filename*
- File title
- Uploaded by*
- Updated by*
- Keywords (tags)
- Category
- Caption
- Description
- Creator
- Publisher
- Copyright
- Identifier key (SKU)
- Publish date
- Expiration date
- Related assets
- Transparent
- Vector
- Disclaimer message
*These attributes are auto-filled on upload, data can not be updated by the user.
When no data is entered in a field, it will not be visible in asset detail view. Uploading or editing assets allows you to fill out all the metadata fields.
Custom metadata
Next to the default metadata attributes, Kadanza offers a set of data attributes that can be used to customize your metadata scheme. This feature allows you to configure your own metadata set tailored to your specific needs. In the Assets configuration, admins can create a custom metadata form with the available attributes:
To organize the metadata panel:
- Title
- Plain text
- Divider
Specific metadata fields that can be used:
- Text field
- Text area
- Integer
- Date
- Checkbox
- Dropdown
When creating custom attributes, make sure to name them properly. The name is used to connect to the attribute via API, the Label is what your end users will see in the metadata panel.
Automatic Metadata: IPTC/XMP and Exif
The archival standard followed is called IPTC, which stands for "International Press Telecommunications Council". They have developed a standard for information that can be embedded into a digital photo. Adobe has used IPTC as the foundation for their Adobe XMP (eXtensible Metadata Platform) open standard.
Many images have IPTC/XMP data attached. When such a file is uploaded or imported, the IPTC data will automatically be added to the image metadata.
Exif data (Exchangeable Image File Format) is technical data about the image. The camera that was used, shutter time, focal point, and more. This kind of information is automatically added by digital cameras. All this information is directly available in the asset detail view.
Note: Not all IPTC and Exif data is mapped to our metadata scheme, and because of that not all IPTC and Exif data is searchable. This will be improved in future releases of Kadanza Assets.