My account

Click your profile picture in the top right corner to navigate to the "My account" section. In this section, you can change your personal info, update your password, or see an overview of all Kadanza installations you have access to.


  • Profile photo: Upload a wonderful picture of yourself. To do that, you need to delete your picture. 
  • Name: Enter your first and last name.

Once you save the changes, your account will be up to date. 

Also, at the bottom, you have the option to "delete my account". Please keep in mind that by deleting your account all information will be lost and unrecoverable, and you can no longer access any Kadanza installation.


Here you can change your password. Make sure to select a strong password to protect your account. A strong password is long and includes numbers, upper and lower-case letters, and special characters (€, @ ,# , ?, etc.).

If you don't remember your password, you can click on "forgot password?" and change your password. Please keep in mind that the link to change your password is only valid for 24 hours. After that, you need to request a new link. 

My organizations

On this page, you will see a list of all Kadanza installations you have access to. Click any of the names to launch the installation.

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