
In Kadanza, permisisons are defined based on usergroups. It is not possible to set specific permissions for an individual user, what a user can or can not do is a result of the user groups he is member of.

Based on the user groups, the following permissions can be set in the different modules.

Kadanza Core (CMS)

These permissions are pretty straightforward: a user can see a space or page, or not.

On the highest level, spaces can be made available to one or more usergroups. And when inside a space, user groups can be added to the page or folder access settings, after which all users from those groups will have access.

When access rights are set on a folder, all subpages will inherit the same access rights. When additional access rights are needed, you can add those to the subpages. These will overwrite the permissions set on the parent page. When a user is not allowed to see a page, it will not appear in the navigation.

Assets and Layouts pages contain the DAM and the smart templates. These plugins have a different set of permissions that kick in when a user has access to the page on which the plugins are placed.

Kadanza Assets (DAM)

Kadanza Assets is made available on a page in the CMS via a plugin.

In Kadanza Assets, permissions are set on categories. A category that contains sub-categories is called the parent category, the sub-categories are called child categories. For each category, specific permissions can be set per asset status, which are

  • Scheduled (hidden asset)
  • Expired (hidden asset)
  • Approval needed (approval flow)
  • Rejected (approval flow)

Same as for CMS page permissions, child categories will inherit the permissions from the parent category unless different permissions are set on the child category. If needed, you can even set different permissions for each individual category.

The permissions in Kadanza Assets are:

1. Add assets

Allows a user to add assets to the category, either by uploading assets to the category or by editing assets and moving them into the category.

2. Download original assets

Allows a user to download the original file from a category. This permission does not affect the export profiles that can be configured. When a user doesn’t have the “download original” permission but is allowed to download a low-resolution conversion, the user will only be able to download the conversion but not the original file type.

Aside from letting your users download the original file format in the Asset Manager, this permission is required if assets from the category will be used in Layouts templates. Without the “download original” permission, users can not place the original high-resolution image in a document while working with Kadanza’s smart templates.

3. Delete assets

Allows a user to soft delete an asset. When an asset is soft deleted, it is removed from every category in which it was placed. After soft deleting an asset, the administrator find the asset in the “Deleted” tab on the Files page in the Assets extension (Admin console). There, the admin can restore the asset (if it was deleted by mistake) or permanently delete it. Soft deleted assets are automatically deleted permanently after 30 days.

Note: If you want to remove an asset from a category (when the asset is stored in multiple categories), you should remove this category by editing the asset instead of deleting the asset.

4. Update assets

Allows a user to edit assets in a category. Editing includes:

  • Changing metadata
  • Uploading a new version
  • Changing the thumbnail
  • Duplicating metadata
  • Change publication/expiration date

5. View assets

Allows a user to see the category and the assets in it. When a group does not have View permissions for a category, the category will not appear in the category tree.

Even though this permission is the last one, it is the most important of all. If you don’t have the view permission for certain asset statuses, you can’t see the asset and none of the other permissions apply. You can’t download an asset if you don’t see it.

Note: View permissions can be set up per filetype if needed (although this makes configuration management a bit more complex).

By combining these permissions with the visibility of pages, you can meticulously create a complex set of permissions and flows to manage your assets.

Kadanza Layouts

Permissions in Kadanza Layouts are also based on user groups. By combining user groups, permission schemes can be created for:

  • Document visibility
  • Transferring documents between editors
  • Download or export options
  • Document approval workflows
  • Print partner connections
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